As we enter the summer months and as more people will start traveling as we come out of the covid pandemic, please share the roads with other users. These pictures are from a recent personal injury case that our firm handled. The driver of the tractor was driving on the right shoulder of the road, he was seat belted in, had a slow-moving vehicle sign on his tractor, had flashing lights on his tractor, and had the protection of the cab. The tractor driver still received serious injuries when he was rear-ended by a distracted truck driver. The truck driver failed to apply the brakes until impact. That tells us that, for some reason, the truck driver did not recognize that the tractor was also using the roadway. Sleepy drivers are just as dangerous as drunk drivers. Texting while driving is also dangerous and can needlessly cause serious injuries.
Be Careful. Be Respectful. Don’t Text and Drive.

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Schott, Bublitz & Engel s.c. has been meeting the legal needs of clients in Wisconsin for over 26 years. As the firm’s reputation has grown, so has the extent of our legal expertise.
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Waukesha, WI 53188